Common Threads Press was established to highlight the often-overlooked contributions of women, queer individuals, and People of Colour in the world of craft. By collaborating with early-career researchers and academics, the press brings together diverse voices to explore the cultural and historical significance of craft.
We are excited to introduce Common Threads Press, now available in the David Parr House Shop. This Norwich-based small press, founded in 2019 by Laura Moseley, focuses on celebrating the radical histories of crafts and making through beautifully crafted publications.
Among the featured titles are:
Slow Grown: Plants, Folklore, and Natural Dyeing by Ciara Callaghan explores the ancient practice of natural dyeing with local ingredients and their associated folklore.
Many Hands Make A Quilt by Jess Bailey delves into the role of quilting in nurturing community resilience and storytelling.
Diasporic Threads: Black Women, Fibre & Textiles by Dr. Sharbreon Plummer highlights the contributions of Black women to art and history through fibre-related mediums.